Christianity Under Attack

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Barack Obama’s White House Jesus

by Ulsterman on December 12, 2011 

In the last month Barack Obama, who has spent nearly three years as president purposely removing the name and concept of Jesus Christ from his administration, appears to have ”found religion” in the wake of falling poll numbers and a quickly approaching 2012 election.

Barack Obama has now overseen the White House Christmas Tree ceremony three times as President of the United States.  This year marked the first time that the man who once remarked with derision of Americans “clinging to their guns and religion”, specifically invoked the name of Jesus Christ during the ceremony.  Just last year there was no real mention of Jesus – only of a “child born in a stable” – and a brief, far more ambiguous and universalist message of being your “brother’s keeper”.  This year though, President Obama openly (and quite out of character) embraced the foundation of the Christian faith - a clear attempt to  appease voters of faith who have grown increasingly frustrated over Barack Obama’s seeming disinterest in America’s long-standing Christian traditions.

Perhaps these frustrations could have been averted had voters given just a bit more time and attention to Barack Obama’s own long-standing record of questionable faith.  Was he not a member for some twenty years in the radicalized Black Liberation Theology church of the now infamous Reverend Jeremiah Wright – the man who, so soon after the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, declared the Muslim terrorist attacks against the United States were in essence deserved – that “America’s chickens had come home to roost.”

Black Liberation Theology itself is a belief system wherein Black Pride and Black Power takes precedence over the figure of Jesus Christ – a belief system rooted in the works of James Cone, author of Black Theology and Black Power,  that in 1969 stated the following:

The time has come for white America to be silent and listen to black people…Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man ‘the devil.

Cone went on to declare White society as an extension of  the Anti-Christ, and all “White” churches as being inherently racist.  This is the church upon whose teachings Barack and Michelle Obama both attended for over 20 years.  Reverend Wright was the man Barack Obama dedicated his book The Audacity of Hope to – the same man who married Barack and Michelle Obama, and the same man who declared Obama was being controlled by “Zionist Jews” as recently as 2009.

Black Liberation Theology certainly has a rather peculiar relationship with Jesus Christ – a figure BLT followers declare as being a “Black Messiah” whose primary purpose is to lead Blacks as the true “chosen people”.  And if God is not “with” Black people, then he, according to James Cone, must be killed:

Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

Clearly, Barack Obama’s radicalized version of contemporary Black Power religion that he immersed himself in for over 2o years while in Chicago is far removed from the mainstream of the American religious experience.  As a Spengler article put in back in 2008, that experience in fact has far more in common with the perversion of Nazi-Christianity than it does the actual teaching of Jesus Christ:

Theologically, Cone’s argument is as silly as the “Aryan Christianity” popular in Nazi Germany, which claimed that Jesus was not a Jew at all but an Aryan Galilean, and that the Aryan race was the “chosen people”.

So, as Barack Obama attempts to convince Americans he is in fact a man of Christian faith in the hopes of securing needed votes to win re-election in 2012, we must ask what version of Jesus Christ the president is now referencing?  Is it the more traditional portrayal of a loving Jesus that seeks true salvation for all of humanity, or is it the Black Liberation Theology version of Jesus that Barack Obama followed for over 20 years that  declares White America as being the Anti-Christ, and threatens to murder God if He does not fully devote his attention to making the Black Race the true chosen people – what is in essence, a revised version of Adolph Hitler’s Master Race philosophy?

Either way, I’ll pray for Barack Obama’s salvatioin – but I sure as hell won’t vote for him…

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