Christianity Under Attack

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christ-mas, Mr. President: An Open Letter to President Obama

BQI Editor’s Note

To my family and friends who, in 2008 refused to heed my warnings, now with over three years of Obama actions in place, I hope that you will reconsider your support for the man who, not only lied and deceived so many into thinking that he was a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ, but who also lied about his true intentions for how he would govern as President.

Below is a heartfelt letter from Pastor Michael Youssef to President Obama on his anti Christian Administration.

Dear Mr. Obama,

From the time you declared your candidacy for president of the United States and announced under your breath that you are a Christian, many true, Bible-believing Christians immediately had doubts about your muffled profession of faith. After all, for 20 years you drank deeply from the well of Rev. Jeremiah Wright — who, in spite of the clerical garb he wears, preaches a Universalist gospel. It is not the true gospel that Jesus proclaimed, which clearly states that He and He alone is the only way to heaven and the Father. That claim was for all people of the earth.

The Bible is not ambiguous, Mr. President, as you and some of your Universalist friends believe. Jesus made it clear in John 14:6 that He alone is “the way, the truth, and the life.” Furthermore, the Bible testifies in Acts 4:12 that “there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” except the name of Jesus.

That, Mr. Obama, is true Christianity.

Be that as it may, millions of Bible-believing Christians gave you the benefit of the doubt and decided to wait and see. After all, in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matt. 7:20). Many in the Evangelical community deliberately refused to judge you by your questionable associates and friends; they wanted to see for themselves.

And sadly, Mr. President, you deeply disappointed them.

Not only did you use endearing, even fawning, statements and declarations regarding Islam and Muslims, but you deliberately treated the National Day of Prayer underhandedly. While publicly recognizing every Muslim holy day in the past year, you failed to issue an Easter proclamation in 2011. You chose not to mention the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is, after all, the foundational bedrock of your Christian faith and the very reason why our nation celebrates Easter.

The limits of time and space do not afford me the luxury of enumerating your many anti-biblical and anti-Christian executive orders and policies. But I must speak to the bombshell of December 6, 2011.

You see. Mr. President, there are persecuted Christians in your home country of Indonesia, as well as in Nigeria. And thanks to your indecisive and failed policies, we have added Egypt to the list. These beleaguered Christians have always looked to the United States for encouragement and affirmation. But when they look to you, they find none.

Imagine, Mr. Obama, their dismay that you have not publicly threatened to tie foreign aid — which is the taxpayers’ money, not the government’s — to stopping the church burnings and the severe persecution and killings of Christians in Egypt. Yet on December 6, your administration did decide to publicly threaten to tie American taxpayer money in the form of foreign aid to the support of gay and lesbian rights.

You surely know, Mr. Obama, that as Christians, while we see homosexuality as the Bible sees it … a sin, we never hate nor advocate the killing of homosexuals. That is something left to your dear “friends” in the Muslim world; something they do to both homosexuals and Christians on a regular basis.

The White House declared that this announcement, “marked the first U.S. government strategy to combat human rights abuses against gays and lesbians abroad.” This was no great comfort to desperate and persecuted Christians worldwide.

One final question, Mr. President.

If you are a true Christian, as you claim under your breath, why do you not feel that same passion and commitment toward your brothers and sisters in Christ, who are paying for their faith with their lives?

May the Lord’s hand guide you to all truth.

This is my regular prayer for you.

Michael Youssef for Townhall

Michael Youssef, PhD is an Egyptian-born American and founding rector of The Church of The Apostles. His messages are broadcast 3800 times a week into 200 countries through Leading The Way Ministries. He holds a PhD from Emory University in Social Anthropology. His blog: Follow on Twitter: @MichaelAYoussef

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