Christianity Under Attack

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Youcef Still Alive Despite False Execution Rumors

Anna SekulowFiled in:
IRAN1:46 PMMar. 26, 2012

The ACLJ has received confirmation that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is alive in Iran as of today, March 26, 2012.

New false reports about Pastor Youcef’s execution continue to surface – whether these reports originate from a misinformation campaign initiated by the Iranian regime or just uninformed sources is unknown.

Many of these false reports stem from an inaccurate image being circulated on various blogs and social media sites of an Iranian man of Pastor Youcef’s age standing bound in front of a gallows surrounded by two armed, masked Iranian guards. The image is not of Pastor Youcef and has been circulating since at least July 2011.

Continue reading at ACLJ

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Muslim Leader Calls for Destruction of all Christian Churches in Arabian Peninsula and Obama and the World Remain Silent

What do you think would happen if a prominent Christian leader called for the destruction of every Muslim mosque in the United States?
Not only would every Muslim throughout the world protest in anger, but many world leaders would join them, including President Barack HUSSEIN Obama.  Muslims would react with death threats against that Christian leader and probably his family also.

But what would happen if a prominent Muslim leader called for the destruction of every Christian church on the Arabian Peninsula?

Absolutely nothing!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians

Just as Jews were once expelled from Arab lands, Christians are now being forced from countries they have long inhabited.

The church in Bethlehem had survived more than 1,000 years, through wars and conquests, but its future now seemed in jeopardy. Spray-painted all over its ancient stone walls were the Arabic letters for Hamas. The year was 1994 and the city was about to pass from Israeli to Palestinian control. I was meeting with the church's clergy as an Israeli government adviser on inter-religious affairs. They were despondent but too frightened to file a complaint. The same Hamas thugs who had desecrated their sanctuary were liable to take their lives.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

BBC says it's okay to mock Christians

International (MNN) ― There has been a perceived bias against Christians in the media in the western world, but now it's more than perceived. According to the Christian Institute in the United Kingdom, the head of the BBC, Mark Thompson, says the company would never mock Mohammed like it mocks Jesus.

He admitted the religious bias suggesting that mocking Mohammed might have the "emotional force" of "grotesque child pornography." But he claims Jesus is fair game because Christianity has broad shoulders and fewer ties to ethnicity.


Exclusive: David Kupelian challenges Pastor Mark Driscoll about his 'obsession'
Warning: The following column contains sexually explicit language.

There’s a new form of Christianity sweeping the U.S. Its main focus: sex.
Don’t be surprised. We already have a Christian denomination catering to every other worldview, comfort zone and obsession, so why not sex? As I said in “The Marketing of Evil”:
“No matter what kind of person you are, a form of Christianity has evolved just for you. There’s a politically liberal Christianity and a politically conservative Christianity. There’s an acutely activist Christianity and an utterly apolitical Christianity, a Christianity that holds up a high standard of ethical behavior and service, and a Christianity for which both personal ethics and good works are irrelevant. There’s a raucous, intensely emotional Christianity drenched in high-voltage music, and there’s a quiet, contemplative Christianity. There’s a loving Christianity and a hateful, racist Christianity, a Christianity that honors Jews as God’s chosen people and a Christianity that maligns Jews as Satan’s children.”

Continue reading at WND

Monday, March 5, 2012

Judge Says Ok to Beat Someone Attacking Islam

Last October, atheist Ernie Perce wore a zombie Muhammad costume to a Halloween event.  Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, confronted Perce about his costume, told him it was offensive and then started to beat him.  The attack was caught on video.

Elbayomy was arrested and charged with assault.  At the trial, there was testimony presented by an officer who witnesses the attack along with the video.  Judge Mark Martin, then dismissed the case against Elbayomy and lectured Perce about the sensitivities of the Muslim culture.  In court, Martin told Perce,

“They are so immersed in it and what you’ve done is you’ve completely trashed their essence, their being. They find it very, very, very offensive. I’m a Muslim.  I find it offensive.”

That’s right.  Judge Martin, who served in Iraq, is a convert to Islam.  His own personal Islamic beliefs definitely clouded his ability to interpret US and Pennsylvania law.  His decision to throw out the case basically sends a message to all Muslims in Pennsylvania that they can physically attack anyone who offends their religion.